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When is it safe to take Fildena 120 Mg after a surgery?

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 апр 2024, 08:10
It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider or surgeon for specific guidance regarding medication use after surgery. However, in general, it's typically recommended to avoid taking medications like Fildena 120 (sildenafil citrate) after surgery until you have fully recovered and received clearance from your healthcare provider. Post-surgery recovery can vary greatly depending on the type of surgery, individual health factors, and any complications that may have arisen during the procedure. Certain medications, including those for erectile dysfunction like Fildena 120 mg, can interact with anesthesia, pain medications, or other drugs you may be taking during your recovery period. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding medication use after surgery to ensure your safety and optimize your recovery process. If you have any questions or concerns about taking Fildena or any other medication post-surgery, be sure to discuss them with your healthcare provider.