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Steps to Check Cyclic Redundancy Check Error

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 апр 2021, 14:36
Right-click on the options of drive you want to search and select the Properties.
Select Properties->Tools from the given drop-down menu options.
Under Error Checking, select the options of Check Now.
Pick Automatically correct file system errors from the given drop-down menu options.
Start by pressing the Start button.

Read more here:- https://www.datarecovo.com/fix-cyclic-r ... ata-error/

Re: Steps to Check Cyclic Redundancy Check Error

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 фев 2023, 01:09

Re: Steps to Check Cyclic Redundancy Check Error

СообщениеДобавлено: 30 окт 2023, 04:19